Roofing Contractors in Cranston, RI

Couto Construction is a leading roofing company in Cranston, known for providing high-quality work and exceptional customer service. With over 30 years of experience in roof inspections, roof replacement, repair, and installation services, we prioritize treating our clients like family and take pride in our hard work, expert craftsmanship, and seamless communication. We have established ourselves as one of the top roofing contractors in Cranston and the surrounding area. If you are in need of emergency roof repair in Cranston, contact us immediately.

Cranston roofing contractors

Comprehensive roofing services in Cranston, RI

The best roofing materials for Cranston homes

Couto Construction offers the top roofing materials for residential roofing in Cranston, fit for the Rhode Island climate. Work with us and we’ll help you choose the right material for your home and budget.

  • Asphalt shingle cost icon


    Asphalt shingles are a cost-effective roofing option that can last up to 30 years with proper installation and maintenance.

  • Wood shingle cost icon


    Wood shingles have a similar lifespan and provide a natural, rustic look to a home.

  • Energy efficient shingle cost icon

    Energy efficient

    Energy-efficient shingles, while slightly more expensive, can help to reduce energy bills by reflecting UV light.

Do I need a permit for a new roof in Cranston?

The City of Cranston requires a permit for all roof, siding or shingle work done on homes within the city limits. This is to ensure that all construction projects are completed in accordance with local regulations. To obtain a permit, you can visit Cranston City Hall or contact them at the following address and phone number:

Cranston City Hall
869 Park Ave.
Cranston, RI 02910
Phone: (401) 461-1000

If you hire Couto Construction for your Cranston roofing project, we will take care of obtaining the necessary permits on your behalf.

Cranston roofing permit

What is the cost of a new roof in Cranston, RI?

In Cranston, Rhode Island, the average home is roughly 1,374 square feet. The cost of a new roof on the average home in Cranston is between $13,976 and $34,414.

The size, architecture, and material being replaced or installed can all have large effects on the cost of a full roof replacement project. Every roof is unique, so it can be difficult to give an accurate quote for a roof replacement project without a full understanding of the details. To get a precise quote or expert advice about your options, contact a roofing professional.

Average roof cost in Cranston, RI (By Material)

Roof MaterialRoof Cost
Asphalt $6,400 - $15,725
Designed Asphalt $11,175 - $27,525
Metal or Wood Shake $19,175 - $47,200

 Roof Repair Estimates in Cranston, RI

We offer roof repairs to fix any storm or incidental damage. Use our roof cost calculator for roof repair estimates, new roof cost, or roof replacement cost in Cranston, RI.

Emergency Roof Repair in Cranston, RI

In the wake of nature's fury, Cranston residents rely on our proficiency in handling storm damage and emergency roof repair. Whether it's wind, hail damage, or worse, we're prepared to fortify your home against the elements. Recognizing the urgency post-storm, we prioritize rapid and effective solutions. Safeguard your home from further storm harm. Reach out to us for dependable storm damage solutions and get your free quote today. Your home's security is our utmost concern.


Roofers that Finance in Cranston, RI

Couto acknowledges that investing in a new roof is significant yet essential. We provide alternatives for roof financing in Cranston to all clients, enabling quick roof replacement. By choosing our services, you get the following benefits:

  • 0 down
  • 0% financing
  • 0 payments for 6 months
  • Finance up to 10 years


Roofing Services Near Cranston, RI
