How Much Can You Expect Repairing Or Replacing Your Siding To Cost?

Earl Scheib, the auto body dealer, once advertised a $49.95 paint job on any car. Imagine the quality of a paint job for less than fifty bucks. With home siding, you might be tempted to look for a really, really inexpensive repair or installation. Just how expensive is home siding? How much does it cost to replace siding?
Goodbye, Earl
Unfortunately, just about everything connected to home repair and renovation is pricey these days. Lumber shortages and manufacturer bottlenecks mean a sad goodbye to the days of really, really inexpensive home repair.
Any contractor offering a lowball price on a job sight unseen is not a reputable contractor. Many factors affect the pricing of all homebuilding, from repair work to siding replacement.
Say Goodbye, Earl when the lowballer tries to pressure you into a quick sale. Find a reputable contractor and consider what goes into an honest, accurate estimate.
Scope of Work
A good-faith estimate should include a detailed scope of work and take into account many factors:
- Home size: The number of sides, siding segments, and house height all affect the cost (more surface area)
- Architectural details: Nooks and crannies like gables, dormers, chimneys, and other features add to complexity and cost
- Added elements: Siding requires trim, foam backing, drip caps, soffits, fascia, channel supports, and starter supports
- Siding material: vinyl, wood, and fiber cement all have different price points and different qualities
- Sheathing and housewrap: What’s underneath the siding matters, too
- Removal: Taking old siding off, carting, and disposal all add to the scope of work
Consider This
Reputable siding contractors can give you many reasons why a fast, up-front price is impossible on siding repair or complete siding replacement. Those same contractors can also provide plenty of reasons to select them for the job:
- Providing a wide array of products, styles, colors, textures, and trim details
- Boosting your home’s curb appeal
- Providing excellent protection from weather
- Repaired or replaced siding gives your home a facelift
If you’re looking for a $50 siding repair, you’ll have to travel back in time to the weird good ol’ days of Earl Scheib because honest contractors cannot charge such a low price. Couto Construction never inflates project estimates. Contact us today to allow us the honor of helping you understand your options for repairing or replacing your Massachusetts or Rhode Island home’s siding.